Everyone is a monument

Last but not least, let’s take another look at the documeta city of Kassel. Many works of art have remained here since the first art show in 1955. For example, the ICH monument. The pedestal made of red sandstone, on which ICH is written in capitals, was made by the Kassel stone sculptor Siegfried Böttcher according to the plans of the satirist Hans Traxler. The ICH monument is an invitation to each and everyone to rise up and feel unique. Unfortunately, there are more and more people who always carry such a pedestal in their heads and do not have the slightest doubt about their uniqueness. The selfie queen in the background of the photo seems to belong to this not so rare species.

Lange mussten wir für dieses Foto warten. Denn die Dame auf der Parkbank brauchte ewig, um sich per Selfie-Stick auf dem Sockel zu fotografieren / © Foto: Georg Berg
We had to wait a long time for this photo. Because the lady on the park bench took forever to take a picture of herself on the pedestal with a selfie stick / © Photo: Georg Berg
Der Spiegel, das Selfie und ich! Und die Kunst? So mancher Besucher sieht nur das eigene Ich im Kontext der Ausstellung im Friedericianum auf der documenta 14, Kassel / © Foto: Georg Berg
The mirror, the selfie and me! And the art? Many a visitor sees only his own self in the context of the exhibition in the Friedericianum at documenta 14, Kassel / © Photo: Georg Berg
Ortseingangsschild von Kassel. Seit 1955 ist Kassel documenta-Stadt / © Foto: Georg Berg
City entrance sign of Kassel. Kassel has been a documenta city since 1955 / © Photo: Georg Berg

Our mode of operation is characterized by self-experienced, well-researched text work and professional, vivid photography. For all stories, travel impressions and photos are created in the same place. Thus, the photos complement and support what is read and carry it further.

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Our work is inspired by human encounters and always culinary discoveries. What format do you need? A newsworthy report, an entertaining reportage, a short travel tip or a picture gallery? At the international photo agency Alamy you will find a large selection of photos by Georg Berg on the subject of monuments and memorials. Clicking on one of the images below will take you directly to the agency image.

Monument and art – A look at the documenta city Kassel
Monument in the city – here is a high density of monuments
Monument in the country – attraction

Wait a minute! Photos on Tellerrand-Stories

Our mode of operation is characterized by self-experienced, well-researched text work and professional, vivid photography. For all stories, travel impressions and photos are created in the same place. Thus, the photos complement and support what is read and carry it further.

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Permalink of the original version in German: https://tellerrandstories.de/jeder-ist-ein-denkmal