Simplicity day

July 12 is the Day of Simplicity. To mark the occasion, we have put together a photo gallery with motifs from all over the world. Especially on journeys with light luggage and out into nature the most beautiful improvisations arise from simplicity and creativity. Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862), on whom the date goes back, recommends already in 1854 in his work, Walden or the life in the woods, the return to a simple life.

Der Abwasch trocknet auf einem Bambusgestell in einem Camp auf Tiwai-Island, Sierra Leone / © Foto: Georg Berg
Dishes dry on a bamboo rack at a camp on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone / © Photo: Georg Berg

Simplicity is considered desirable when as much as possible can be achieved with as few means as possible. It is then synonymous with minimalism, clarity or simplicity. In the USA, National Simplicity Day is always celebrated on July 12. One might dismiss this day as one of the many curious holidays such as Jell-O Day or Speak-Like-A-Pirate Day, but looking at its origins, National Simplicity Day seems highly topical. The date, July 12, refers to the birthday of U.S. writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau in 1817. His essay “Walden” is centrally about gaining insight and quality of life by returning to a simple way of life. A longing that has gripped many, after two years of Corona pandemic and the. Thoreau spent two years in a log cabin on the lake and there wrote the essay for which he is known today. Even then, he wanted to escape the growing industrialization in his country and propagated in his writings the simple life in and with nature.

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