Monument in the country

In the countryside, the perception of monuments is different. If a monument lies on a hill, stands on a cliff, at the end of a lake or in the middle of a sheep pasture, the opposite often happens. One does not walk by, but is literally drawn to these memorial posts. Even from a distance, they seem like a special place not to be missed.

Monument with attraction

Of course, we walk to the top of Logh Shiel to see the monument honoring Bonnie Prince Charly up close. No matter, even though we’ve already walked 18 kilometers through the scorching heat of an atypical Scottish summer day. The place where the last hope of the Scottish clans for a king from the House of Stewart on the throne of England, called the rebellion, we can not leave left.

Schottland, Glenfinnan, Loch Shiel. Hier steht das Denkmal von Bonnie Prince Charlie, der 1745 an dieser Stelle den zweiten Jakobitenaufstand ausrief. Dieser Kampf um die Unabhängigkeit von England wurde bereits 1746 in der Schlacht von Culloden niedergeschlagen  / © Foto: Georg Berg
Scotland, Glenfinnan, Loch Shiel. Here is the monument of Bonnie Prince Charlie, who called the second Jacobite uprising at this place in 1745. This fight for independence from England was already defeated in 1746 in the Battle of Culloden / © Photo: Georg Berg

The sea god Manannan Mac Lir spreads his arms and we interrupt the ride, even though it is cold and windy. Gortmore is a stunning viewpoint on the Bishop’s Road in Northern Ireland and is part of the Causeway Coastal Route. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Donegal and the islands of Islay and Jura on the west coast of Scotland. How fortunate that the sea god put a stop to us!

Meeresgott Manannan Mac Lir Gortmore Bishop's Road in Nordirland und ist Teil der Causeway Coastal Route.
Sea God Manannan Mac Lir Gortmore, Northern Ireland, Causeway Coastal Route./ © Photo: Georg Berg
Ein Steinkreis nahe Glengorm Castle auf der Isle of Mull in Schottland. Nicht mehr als ein paar aufrecht stehender Steine auf einer Wiese. Aber ihre Anordnung lässt erahnen, dies ist ein besonderer Ort / © Foto: Georg Berg
A stone circle near Glengorm Castle on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. No more than a few upright standing stones on a meadow. But their arrangement suggests this is a special place / © Photo: Georg Berg

No trip without a monument! For International Monument Day on April 18, we’re taking a foray into the diversity of monuments. Whether you encounter them in the city or in the countryside, what all the world’s monuments have in common is their contribution to education. Without them, we would all return from a trip a little dumber.

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