Something warm man needs

This winter, many people will curb the temperature in their apartments and houses. Energy costs are to be saved, also as a joint effort. Every year on October 1, landlords in Germany are required to turn the heaters on. So here we go, and soon we’ll know how severe the shortages of gas and oil will be in the winter of 2022.

What always helps and is beneficial to one’s comfort temperature is a cup of tea. It provides comfort and, above all, inner warmth. In Japan, after a classic tea ceremony with several infusions of green tea leaves, the future is not read, but they are eaten. Thus, the future remains uncertain.

Das Ende der Tee-Zeremonie. Die Teeblätter werden mit Stäbchen direkt aus dem Glas gegessen, nachdem sie mit Meersalz bestreut worden sind. Nichts wird verschwendet, alles ist bekömmlich. Gerade an einem sehr heißen Tag ist dieser aromatische und leicht salzige Abschluss der Tee-Zeremonie sehr willkommen / © Foto: Georg Berg
The end of the tea ceremony. The tea leaves are eaten with chopsticks directly from the glass after being sprinkled with sea salt. Nothing is wasted, everything is digestible. Especially on a very hot day, this aromatic and slightly salty conclusion to the tea ceremony is very welcome / © Photo: Georg Berg.

Visiting the City of Green Tea

In the hills surrounding Shizuoka City, many tea farmers have been growing tea for generations. The city is aware of its tradition as the largest tea producer in Japan. Shizuoka strengthens local producers with a tourism concept that introduces visitors to the region to the tea ceremony as well as to tea production and the people who have often worked as tea farmers for many generations.

We visited Tochizawa for a cup of tea.

Die Ernte bei den Uchinos findet im Mai statt. Vier Familienmitglieder und 30 Arbeiter machen sich dann ans Werk. Gepflückt werden die obersten drei Blätter, nicht mehr. Sie werden ganz kurz bedampft, getrocknet und der Größe nach sortiert / © Foto: Georg Berg
The harvest at the Uchinos takes place in May. Four family members and 30 workers then set to work. The top three leaves are picked, no more. They are steamed very briefly, dried and sorted according to size / © Photo: Georg Berg
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