Hidden object with Cristiano Ronaldo

After the African country of Morocco advanced to the quarterfinals of the FIFA World Cup against Team Portugal, I remember a photo I took in Sierra Leone in 2016.

Rollenverteilung im Hafen von Tombo Bay, Sierra Leone. Frauen warten auf die Fischer und ihren Fang / © Foto: Georg Berg
Role allocation in the port of Tombo Bay, Sierra Leone. Women wait for the fishermen and their catch / © Photo: Georg Berg.

Among the many locals in this picture, the only white person is only printed on a T-shirt. As isolated from his teammates as Cristiano Ronaldo (CR 7) appeared at the end of his career, sitting in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the important West African fishing port is a young man who does not appear to belong to any family or group, wearing a picture of Ronaldo on his T-shirt.

With this photo I was awarded second place in the Fishermen competition in 2017. Comment of the jury: “What a picture! What colors and what environment, so captivating. The author tells us that he had to be very quick to go unnoticed. I really think that also makes the difference. No one looking at the camera allows us to observe this scene with a sense of a cinematographic experience.”

Incidentally, the port city of Tombo in Sierra Leone is known for its soccer academy, established in 2008 by the Craig Bellamy Foundation, where girls and boys receive free international-standard education and elite-level soccer training. Craig Douglas Bellamy is also considered a dazzling figure in soccer. In Wales, he was Footballer of the Year in 2007. During his career he was involved in numerous incidents with teammates, managers and other personalities. Bobby Robson described him as “the most moronic footballer I have ever met”. Outside of soccer, he is a patron of several charities and founded his own organization, the Craig Bellamy Foundation in Sierra Leone, to provide schooling and soccer training for disadvantaged children.

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