Bathing fun on Usedom

Beach chairs on the beach in Ahlbeck with a Ferris wheel in the background. The beach chair was invented by basket maker Bartelsmann in Rostock on the Baltic Sea in 1882. It was custom-made for an elderly noblewoman for the beach at Warnemünde and became a popular piece of rental furniture. Elisabeth Bartelsmann, the basket maker's wife, realized that the local and seasonal piece of furniture was easier to rent out than to sell / © Photo: Georg Berg
Why was the beach chair invented and what were bathing carts for? Bathing culture reaches the Baltic Sea beach in the 19th century

Culinary journey through Curaçao

Personal book tip from Helmi Smeulders with stories and recipes from Curacao / © Photo: Georg Berg
Caribbean cuisine with a Dutch twist reveals surprising things – from exotic flowers to unusual sources of protein

San Marino and Monte Titano

The three towers of San Marino are also known as the three feathers, illustrated by the shape of the weather vanes / © Photo: Georg Berg
The Sentiero della Rupe leads past the three towers of the Republic and then turns into a cliff path along the steep flank of Monte Titano
The Queen Emma Bridge slowly starts to move sideways. Pedestrians have to decide whether the "Swinging Old Lady" should take them on the 20-minute swing across the Sint Annabaai or whether they would rather go ashore / © Photo: Georg Berg

Swinging Old Lady of Curaçao

When the Queen Emma Bridge opens, the historic pontoon bridge glides to the side, giving ships access to the largest natural harbor in the Caribbean. The Swinging Old Lady is more than just a crossing between two parts of the city – she is a lively attraction that has set the rhythm of Willemstad for over 130 years

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