Bus stops and architecture

In the small town of Krumbach in the Bregenzerwald, there is cutting-edge architecture in unexpected places, but they have a lot to do with the expected, namely the arrival of a bus. Since 2014, Krumbach has been home to seven bus stops designed by internationally renowned architects and built by regional craftsmen. BUS:STOP Krumbach, these are seven bus stops that bring together the culture, economy and architecture of the Vorarlberg region in Austria.

BUS:STOP Krumbach – Waiting can be so beautiful

In 2013, the association Kultur Krumbach invited seven international architectural firms from Belgium, Norway, Spain, Chile, Japan, China and Russia to build new bus stops, “Wartehüsle” in cosmopolitan design in the community. The well-known architects were each assisted by a regional architectural firm and twenty local craftsmen. The architectural firms received no fee. Nevertheless, all of them accepted in a very short time. The given rules were almost open. The designs were to have a connection to the region, be made of resistant materials and be functional. A dialogue with the people, the landscape and the local building culture and craft tradition was to be created.

Kommunikativ:  in der Bushalte-Stube von Architekt Smiljan Radic aus Chile kommt man schnell ins Gespräch. BUS:STOP Krumbach, Vorarlberg, Österreich / © Foto: Georg Berg
Communicative: in the bus stop parlor by architect Smiljan Radic from Chile, people quickly strike up a conversation. BUS:STOP Krumbach, Vorarlberg, Austria / © Photo: Georg Berg

A country bus connects world-class architecture

The BUS:STOP bus shelters can be found on country bus routes number 25 and 29. Architecture lovers from all over the world are invited to get on and off here. Guests of the Bregenzerwald region are made especially easy. The “Bregenzerwald Gäste Card” also includes the use of public transportation.

Other aspects: Werkraumschau Bregenzerwald in Andelsbuch / architect Peter Zumthor, and the multifunctional building Werkraumhaus / stage for outstanding craft exhibits /.

In the village: 7 architects from 7 countries

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