Lametta in Valletta

In Malta and Gozo, almost every street and square glitters in the run-up to Christmas. Angels, stars and often the three holy kings are brought into position in every village. Magnificent fairy lights are strung across the streets and fountains and squares are decorated with figures. Santa Claus and glittering gift figurines are rarely seen. Snowmen are a little more popular, even if the wish for a white Christmas will probably never come true in Malta. In keeping with the Maltese nativity scene tradition, the birth of the baby Jesus takes center stage. Statuettes, known as pasturi, can be bought in stores from October. In the run-up to Christmas, many private homes decorate a window of their house with a nativity scene, workshops on nativity scene making are offered, museums display old pasturi by well-known artists and the many churches on Malta and Gozo invite visitors to take part in nativity plays. If you want to escape the highly consumer-oriented Christmas, Malta and Gozo are the right places for you.

Għajnsielem Christmas Tree. Der 60 Fuß hohe eiserne Weihnachtsbaum geschmückt mit 5.000 beleuchteten Glasflaschen wurde 2021 zum schönsten Weihnachtsbaum Europas gekürt / © Foto: Georg Berg
Għajnsielem Christmas Tree. The 60-foot-tall iron Christmas tree decorated with 5,000 illuminated glass bottles was voted the most beautiful Christmas tree in Europe in 2021 / © Photo: Georg Berg
Weihnachtlich geschmückte Straße in der Altstadt von Valletta, Malta / © Foto: Georg Berg
Christmas decorated street in the old town of Valletta, Malta / © Photo: Georg Berg
Weihnachtlich geschmückte Straße in Valletta. Dank der milden Temperaturen im Dezember findet das Nachtleben noch auf der Straße statt / © Foto: Georg Berg
Christmas decorated street in Valletta. Thanks to the mild temperatures in December, nightlife still takes place on the street / © Photo: Georg Berg
Villa Rundle Illuminated Gardens Victoria, Gozo ist auch ein beliebter Fotospot bei Brautpaaren / © Foto: Georg Berg
Villa Rundle Illuminated Gardens Victoria, Gozo is also a popular photo spot for bridal couples / © Photo: Georg Berg
Laserschau an einer Kirchenfassade und leuchtende Weihnachtspyramide. Plätze sind auf Malta vor Weihnachten in buntes Licht getaucht / © Foto: Georg Berg
Laser show on a church façade and illuminated Christmas pyramid. Places in Malta are bathed in colorful light before Christmas / © Photo: Georg Berg
Aufwändig dekorierte Krippe im Fenster eines Privathauses in Birgu. Die Krippe, auf maltesisch il-Presepju, hat eine lange Tradition  in Malta / © Foto: Georg Berg
Elaborately decorated nativity scene in the window of a private house in Birgu. The nativity scene, il-Presepju in Maltese, has a long tradition in Malta / © Photo: Georg Berg
Altstadt von Valletta zu Weihnachten mit beleuchteten Hausfassaden und üppigen Lichterketten in den Gassen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Old town of Valletta at Christmas with illuminated house facades and lush fairy lights in the alleys / © Photo: Georg Berg
Altstadt von Valletta mit oppulenter Weihnachtsbeleuchtung in den Straßen und Relikten wie einer britischen Telefonzelle / © Foto: Georg Berg
Old town of Valletta with opulent Christmas lights in the streets and relics such as a British telephone box / © Photo: Georg Berg

It’s Christmas at its best in Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem. These are families from Gozo playing families from Bethlehem in the year one of our era. Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem is not Christmas kitsch, but a successful combination of Maltese folklore and the traditions of the Maltese nativity scene. The live nativity village on Gozo opens in mid-December. Click here for the report.

Gtar Grotto. Maria und Josef mit dem Jesuskind im Bethlehem Dorf Għajnsielem auf Gozo umgeben von Ställen mit Esel und Schafen und bestaunt von den Besuchern / © Foto: Georg Berg
Gtar Grotto. Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus in the Bethlehem village of Għajnsielem on Gozo surrounded by stables with donkeys and sheep and admired by visitors / © Photo: Georg Berg

The research trip was supported by VisitMalta and VisitGozo

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