Rocks and gorges in the Mullerthal

The Mullerthal is the most famous hiking region in Luxembourg. It is also called the Little Switzerland of Luxembourg. The Müllerthal Trail belongs to the Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe. This label is awarded by the European Hiking Association. The Wolfsschlucht (Wolf Gorge) with its steep cliffs up to 50 meters high is considered the most spectacular natural monument on the 13.5 kilometer long hiking trail E. Whoever sets off from Berdorf in the direction of Echternach, the oldest city in Luxembourg, crosses a beautiful stream valley with equally impressive rock formations made of sandstone.

Das Zeichen des Müllerthal Trails ist ein rotes M. Aufgrund der vielen Kombinationsmöglichkeiten und Wanderschlaufen kann man sich in diesem Wandergebiet nicht über mangelnde Beschilderung beklagen / © Foto: Georg Berg
The sign of the Müllerthal Trail is a red M. Due to the many possible combinations and hiking loops, one cannot complain about a lack of signage in this hiking area / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Müllerthal Trail is also suitable for families with younger children. The cross-border orientation of the trail is attractive. Together with the Southern Eifel region in Germany, a NatureHikingPark Delux was created, which makes cross-border hiking possible on four rock tours. The Müllerthal Trail is also suitable for families with younger children. The cross-border orientation of the trail is attractive. Together with the Southern Eifel region in Germany, a NatureHikingPark Delux was created, which makes cross-border hiking possible on four rock tours.

Startpunkt  der Tagesetappe ist Berdorf. Aus dem Dorf heraus führt schnurstracks ein Feldweg Richtung Wald und schon nach wenigen Gehminuten ist man in einer anderen Welt / © Foto: Georg Berg
The starting point of the day’s stage is Berdorf. A dirt road leads straight out of the village in the direction of the forest, and after just a few minutes’ walk you are in another world / © Photo: Georg Berg
Man bleibt ja unterwegs nicht an jeder rostigen Gießkanne stehen, aber dieser originelle Briefkasten in Berdorf ist schon einen Blick wert. Darüber hinaus bietet Berdorf auch Restaurants und Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten / © Foto: Georg Berg
You don’t stop at every rusty watering can on the way, but this original letterbox in Berdorf is worth a look. Berdorf also offers restaurants and overnight accommodations / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Müllerthal Trail, which is about 112 km long, is made up of three loops. We start the trail in Berdorf. Surrounded by the Berdorf rocks, the village is located on a plateau and is an ideal starting point for numerous hikes. The hike leads through a forest and rocky landscape via the Wolf Gorge to Echternach. Shortly after leaving Berdorf behind, you reach an amphitheater where millstones were mined in the past, which has left typical traces. Today the amphitheater is used for events. Also at the Huel Lee, the Hohllay, you can clearly see the circular protrusions from which millstones were quarried here for the whole region.

Huel Lee oder Hohllay - hier wurden früher Mühlsteine aus dem Felsen gebrochen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Huel Lee or Hohllay – this is where millstones used to be quarried from the rock / © Photo: Georg Berg
Auch die Bühne des Amphitheaters war früher ein Steinbruch für Mühlsteine / © Foto: Georg Berg
The stage of the amphitheater was also once a quarry for millstones / © Photo: Georg Berg

Along the shallowly rippling Aesbach the path leads to the Perekop. A narrow hiking trail runs parallel to the stream. The sun flashes through the leaves again and again. It is still very quiet here in the early morning. A man is walking his dogs, otherwise you can only hear the birds singing.

Der Aesbach führt an manchen Stellen kaum noch Wasser. Parallel zum Bach verläuft ein schmaler Wanderweg / © Foto: Georg Berg
The Aesbach has hardly any water left in some places. A narrow hiking trail runs parallel to the stream / © Photo: Georg Berg
Felsen in groß und in klein. Neben den wuchtigen Felsformationen stößt man hier auch auf unzählige Arrangements von Steinmännchen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Rocks large and small. Besides the massive rock formations, one also comes across countless arrangements of cairns / © Photo: Georg Berg

Perekop is a large rock that can be climbed through a crevice by ladders. To reassure you, you don’t have to go back down the steep ladder through the crevice. Outside, a more accommodating staircase leads around the perekop, which takes you back across the road to the hiking trail towards Echternach.

Das Müllerthal ist bekannt für seine Felsformationen aus Sandstein. Die Außentreppe des großen Felsens Perekop. Über eine steile Leiter kann man auch mitten durch den Felsen hindurch gehen / © Foto: Georg Berg
The Mullerthal is known for its rock formations of sandstone. The outside staircase of the big rock Perekop. Via a steep ladder you can also walk through the middle of the rock / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Wolf Gorge, with its steep cliffs up to 50 meters high, is considered the most spectacular natural monument on the 13.5-kilometer-long hiking trail E. The gorge with the eerily attractive name is a steeply sloping rock crevice where wolves used to find shelter.

Die Felsen rechts und links des Weges kommen immer näher. Die Wolfsschlucht ist nicht mehr weit / © Foto: Georg Berg
The rocks to the right and left of the path are getting closer and closer. The Wolf Gorge is not far away / © Photo: Georg Berg

An ideal starting point or, as in our case, a tempting hiking destination is Echternach. The oldest city in Luxembourg and the cultural and tourist center of the region has a good selection of restaurants, cafes and stores. Visible from afar is the basilica.

Echternach mit der Basilika vom Aussichtspunkt Trooskneppchen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Echternach with the basilica from the viewpoint Trooskneppchen / © Photo: Georg Berg

Arriving in Echternach, we meet Caroline Nockels. Just before the outbreak of the pandemic, the Echternach resident had decided to try something new and open a café in the old business premises where her grandparents ran a bakery in the 1950s. Her grandmother Irene was then also her first guest at the opening in July 2020.

Caroline Nockels hat sich mitten in der Pandemie ihren Traum vom eigenen Café in Echternach erfüllt. Carli’s Coffee liegt nahe am Echternacher Marktplatz / © Foto: Georg Berg
Caroline Nockels has fulfilled her dream of owning a café in Echternach in the midst of the pandemic. Carli’s Coffee is located close to Echternach’s market square / © Photo: Georg Berg

At Carli’s Coffee near Echternach’s market square, you can get baked goods made from regional ingredients, from pancakes and toasts to muffins or the orange cake made according to grandfather’s recipe. From breakfast to afternoon coffee, Caorline Nockels is open for guests.

We leave Echternach by bus and head for another hiking region. Free public transport will take us through the Sauer Valley towards the Moselle to Grevenmacher, the wine-growing region of Luxembourg. By bus we drive through open landscapes, wooded areas and again and again we can see scattered orchards. Before we reach the Moselle town of Grevenmacher, we make a stop in Born. This small town has been the home of the first and only cider producer in the country for a good five years.

Das Auto ist alt, die Firma aber noch jung. Erst 2015 wurde Ramborn von drei Männern gegründet, deren Wurzeln im kleinen Ort Born liegen / © Foto: Georg Berg
The car is old, but the company is still young. Ramborn was only founded in 2015 by three men whose roots lie in the small village of Born / © Photo: Georg Berg

Ramborn is a made-up word from Rambo, an old Luxembourg apple variety, and the village of Born. The traditional craft of cider making has been practiced in the Born area for as long as there have been fruit trees in the Sauer Valley. Three friends from Born remembered this during a visit to Scotland and realized the idea of breathing new life into the old tradition in Luxembourg as well. An 18th century farm has been renovated and has become the production and presentation site for their apple and pear ciders. Meanwhile, more than 100 farmers deliver their fruit from the orchards to Ramborn.

Cider von Ramborn aus alten Apfelsorten wie Rambo, Boskoop, Bohnapfel und Luxemburger Triumph hat 5,8 Prozent Alkohol und schmeckt spritzig-frisch mit komplexen Apfelaromen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Cider from Ramborn made from old apple varieties such as Rambo, Boskoop, Bohnapfel and Luxemburger Triumph has 5.8 percent alcohol and tastes tangy and fresh with complex apple aromas / © Photo: Georg Berg

The stopover in Born is well worth it. Tours and tastings are offered regularly. The taste of Ramborn Cider or Perry, made from pears from pear trees, some of which are 250 years old, is complex and flavorful. While many cider producers rely on plantation fruit, Ramborn’s ciders contain only the juice of old fruit varieties.

Boarding please! A free ride through Luxembourg

The Müllerthal region is one of five regions we explored on foot. We covered the distances between the daily stages by bus and train. Luxembourg offers its residents and visitors alike free public transportation throughout the country. Ticket counters have therefore had their day in the Grand Duchy. And with the nationwide Move We Carry service, we walked during the day without a care in the world, while our suitcases traveled from accommodation to accommodation with the luggage service. Up to six consecutive days can be booked online.

With Move We Carry, travelers can arrange luggage transportation in advance.
Click here for the stage tour The Luxembourg Ardennes – the Escapardenne Lee TrailClick here for the
overview – stage tour through Luxembourg


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At the international photo agency Alamy you can see all the photos of Georg Berg about hiking in Luxembourg. Clicking on one of the pictures below will take you directly to the agency picture.

The approximately 112 km long Müllerthal Trail consists of three loops. Berdorf is a good place to start. Surrounded by the Berdorf rocks, the village lies on a plateau and is an ideal starting point for numerous hikes. The hike leads through a forest and rocky landscape over the Wolf Gorge to Echternach. Shortly after leaving Berdorf behind, you reach an amphitheater where millstones were mined in the past, which has left typical traces. Today the amphitheater is used for events. Also at the Huel Lee, the hollow ley, you can clearly see the circular protrusions from which millstones were quarried here for the whole region. If you move the cursor over a photo, more information will be displayed.

Texts about hiking in Luxembourg

Moselle, Minett or Müllerthal – Luxembourg City or the Éislek region – the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg offers hikers and cyclists a nature-oriented vacation with a nationwide free transport system and a well-functioning luggage service. The content of the topic Hiking in Luxembourg can be extended to include the following aspects:

The research trip was partly supported on site by Luxembourg Tourism

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