Palaces wherever you look. There are 12 palaces and many gardens in Sanssouci Park, which together form Potsdam's cultural landscape and are the largest UNESCO World Heritage Site in Germany. Here Babelsberg Palace on the banks of the Havel in neo-Gothic style, built in 1833 / © Photo: Georg Berg

When is a castle a castle?

Old Fritz transformed Potsdam into a royal seat. With twelve palaces and numerous gardens, Potsdam’s cultural landscape is the largest German Unesco World Heritage Site

Avatar of the Sorcerer's Apprentice / AI / © Georg Berg

The grim secret of the Tellerrand stories

I woke up from a terrible nightmare. In it, the authentic Tellerrand stories were just hallucinations of an artificial intelligence, and I was the celebrated sorcerer’s apprentice who is even proud of it [Watch the AI-generated video]

Two fishermen with a net full of mirror carp / © Photo: Georg Berg

Carp fishing in the Upper Palatinate

A carp spends three summers in the pond before it is fished out. The time comes every year at the beginning of October. About pond chains, sky ponds, monks and the carp paradox

Blue carp is a traditional Christmas recipe. The blue color is due to the mucus layer of the fish skin, which takes on a pale blue color when cooked / © Photo: Georg Berg

The carp – an underestimated fish

Carp from traditional pond farming is a real delicacy. However, in order to experience the culinary spectrum of carp cuisine, you have to get to the carp.

Honey label Peopleneedlove500

Frequent flyer with a message

People Need Love is the first single by the pop band Abba in 1972. It is a simple song with a simple wish for peace and harmony, which unfortunately never became a catchy tune

City view Dresden, in the foreground Brühl Terrace also Brühl Terrace. It extends for about 500 meters along the Elbe between Augustusbrücke and Carolabrücke. The structure is also called the balcony of Europe. The term was coined at the beginning of the 19th century and later used many times in literature / © Photo: Georg Berg

Caspar David Friedrich in Dresden

On the 250th birthday of the famous painter, Dresden and Saxon Switzerland offer a brilliant program. Culture and nature combine in the spirit of Romanticism

Original Dresden Christstollen is a raisin stollen according to the statutes of the Schutzverband Dresdner Christstollen / © Photo: Georg Berg

From show-off Stollen to Stollen etiquette

Dresden Christstollen is considered the oldest Saxon finger food. From October, it will be baked again and shipped to 190 countries. A visit to Saxony’s best-known ambassador of enjoyment

Making-of Stollen baking. Georg Berg photographs master baker Tino Gierig from the Dresden Bakehouse baking an original Dresden Christmas Stollen / © Photo: Angela Berg

Everyone wants stollen!

The original Dresdner Christstollen has an eventful history and is now Saxony’s best-known ambassador of indulgence. The fact that Dresden Christmas Stollen is so popular also has to do with Augustus the Strong

Stele with coat of arms of Eisenhüttenstadt at the entrance to the town. Eisenhüttenstadt is one of the largest area monuments in Germany / © Photo: Georg Berg

Plea for Eisenhüttenstadt

The socialist model city was placed under monument protection 40 years after construction began and is the largest area monument in Germany

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