The idea for an Arbor Day originated in 1872 in the tree-poor state of Nebraska in the USA. It was the journalist Julius Sterling Morton who suggested an annual day of action to plant trees for the future. It was not until many years later in 1951 that the United Nations decided to establish the International Arbor Day. This commemorative day on April 25 is intended to highlight the importance of trees for the climate and for people. Cities, municipalities, associations, forestry offices symbolically plant trees in public spaces on this day of remembrance and call for donations for further plantings.
Me, my Tree and I
Do you have a favorite tree? Mine is the magnolia tree. You could almost call it a family tree, that’s how the magnolia runs through our lives. While looking for a wedding date, I had the idea to choose this day after the blossoming of the big magnolia tree in front of the registry office of our town. On April 3, 1997, the time had come and the magnolia blossomed for us in full splendor. Five years later and blessed with two small children, we were feverishly looking for a house. The big magnolia tree in the garden of our current house, we judged as a sign. This house suits us. Later, the magnolia was gladly used as a climbing and reading tree. Year after year it reliably blossoms around our wedding day. What sounds like a blooming fantasy, but is documented in writing, adds a crowning touch to our tree story. On May 1, 1986, Georg Berg, then a budding cameraman in Munich, personally helped the Dalai Lama plant a magnolia tree.

Trees – silent witnesses
They are many centuries old, have mighty trunks, furrowed barks and majestic crowns. One’s own imagination is usually insufficient for all the events that may have taken place around these giant trees. Here are a few encounters with imposing solitaires, avenue beauties and forest dwellers.
Other aspects: How a mountain saved ancient olive trees. “L’Oliveraie de La Farlède” Southern France / New Unesco World Heritage thanks to ancient beech trees in Ticino / Joseph Beuys and the 7000 oaks of Kassel / Dark Hedges of Ballymore Northern Ireland, a place of pilgrimage for Game of Thrones fans / The mock fig of Famagusta, as old as the cathedral in front of which it stands / El Bosque Pintado, the painted forest in the Basque Country.