Travel Atlas

What would an international travel magazine be without maps or translations? That’s why most of the articles on Tellerrand-Stories include a map section. This provides immediate clarity about where exactly the location of our stories is. For the big picture, all destinations are marked on the world map in the German version. Our reports are always based on our own travel experiences. A click on each icon presents further information such as photos, videos, radio reports and reports published in other media.

Meeting people and discovering regional specialties are the focus of our travels. As travel journalists, we only write about what we have experienced and seen ourselves. This is the only way to produce well narrated and researched text and professional, vivid photography. For Tellerrand Stories, the travel impressions and photos are created in the same place. In this way, the photos complement and support what is read and carry it forward. Reportages or reports do not have to be enriched with foreign stock photography, but together they create an authentic and credible impression.

Editorial service

With well-researched copywriting as well as professional, vivid photography, our editorial office also offers customized articles. More than 20,000 quality-checked photos at the international photo agency Alamy complement reports, features or short portraits. What format do you need? A newsworthy report, an entertaining feature, a short travel tip or an image gallery? Do you have suggestions for further discoveries?

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