Sparkling Lake Malawi

If Malawi calls itself the warm heart of Africa, then Lake Malawi is the great lifeline of this small country in southeast Africa. The romantics among the locals call it their twinkling star lake, while the numbers people talk of Calendar Lake, for it is 365 miles long, 52 miles wide, and 12 rivers flow into the lake.

Fischer in einem Einbaum auf dem Lake Malawi bei Cape Maclear bei Sonnenuntergang / © Foto: Georg Berg
Fishermen in a dugout canoe on Lake Malawi near Cape Maclear at sunset / © Photo: Georg Berg

Lake of superlatives

About 20 percent of Malawi’s surface is covered by Lake Malawi. It is the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa and the ninth largest lake in the world. The riparian countries are Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique, with Malawi having the longest shoreline and encompassing almost the entire western shore. Part of the lake belongs to Mozambique, where it is called Lago Niassa.

Fischer im Einbaum auf dem Lake Malawi. Der Inlandsee hat die größte Artenvielfalt an Fischen weltweit / © Foto: Georg Berg
Baobab trees in the jungle on the steep shore of Lake Malawi. Baobab Tree’s can store a lot of water. Fisherman in a dugout canoe / © Photo: Georg Berg
Zwei Süßwasserfische, Cichlids, aus der Familie der Buntbarsche, geangelt von einem Fischer im Einbaum auf dem Lake Malawi / © Foto: Georg Berg
Two freshwater fish, cichlids, from the cichlid family, caught by a fisherman in a dugout canoe on Lake Malawi / © Photo: Georg Berg

With 700 to 800 cichlid species, many of which are found only here and nowhere else in the world, Lake Malawi is one of the most fish-species-rich ecosystems on earth. With an estimated age of several million years, Lake Malawi is also one of the oldest lakes on earth. Lake Malawi is a so-called Ancient Lake. In the course of evolution, a particularly large diversity of species was able to develop here.

From national fish to luxury good

Of great importance for the nutrition of the population is the Chambo. The fishermen in their typical dugout canoes are a characteristic sight on the shores of the lake with its many small villages. They sail out onto the lake up to five times a day. In doing so, they catch only small quantities, while commercial fishing boats in particular, also in Mozambique’s waters, severely endanger the stock of chambo and other fish. Only rarely do ordinary fishermen catch a large Chambo in their nets. The market price for the country’s national fish is so high that the catch goes into the trade and is no longer eaten by the fishermen and their families. They switch to smaller fish and reduce the size of their nets so as not to go empty-handed. A vicious circle, because the fish do not have time to reproduce sufficiently. And the people are gradually depriving themselves of their own livelihood.

Nsima ist ein ungewürzter Brei,(Cornmeal porridge) der aus Maismehl hergestellt wird. Das Gericht ist Grundnahrungsmittel in Malawi. Hier kombiniert mit Chambo, dem im Malawisee heimischen Fisch aus der Familie der Tilapia / © Foto: Georg Berg
Chambo in Malawi is combined with nsima, an unseasoned porridge made from maize flour / © Photo: Georg Berg
Lake Malawi, kleiner Fischerhafen bei Makawa mit Ruderbooten und vielen Einbaum-Booten für den traditoinellen Fischfang. Auf den Padeln steht in der Landessprache Chichewa das Wort „Chisomo“ für Danke / © Foto: Georg Berg
Lake Malawi, small fishing harbor near Makawa with rowing boats and many dugout canoes for traditional fishing. On the paddles the word “Chisomo” for thank you is written in the local language Chichewa / © Photo: Georg Berg

To protect the fish breeding areas, the Lake Malawi National Park was founded as early as 1980 on the southern shore of the lake near Monkey Bay. Since 1984, the park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. But this protected area alone is no longer enough for the fish population to recover. The Global Nature Fund named the lake the Threatened Lake of the Year 2022. Population growth in Malawi and neighboring countries is leading to overfishing. Climate change has caused the water level to drop steadily for years. But in 2023, Malawi experienced an extreme 100-day rainy season with destructive cyclones. The lake engulfed the beach in many places, flooding villages and destroying houses and bridges.

Chambo Fisch Skultur in einem Kreisverkehr. Der Buntbarsch aus dem Malawisee ist das Nationalgericht des Landes. Hohe Fangquoten im Seegebiet von Mosambique haben den Bestand stark dezimiert / © Foto: Georg Berg
Chambo fish sculpture in a traffic circle. The Lake Malawi cichlid is the country’s national fish / © Photo: Georg Berg

Fish as a livelihood

The government, together with fishing associations, has taken measures to stabilize the fish stocks in the lake on the one hand and to secure the supply of fish for the population on the other. For example, the mesh size of fishing nets was set at two centimeters to protect biodiversity after more and more fishermen switched to fishing with mosquito nets. Fishing is not allowed on Lake Malawi in November and December. There are also projects to revive pond farming in villages, and hatcheries in the lake and Shire River where chambo can grow before being released.

Aufzuchtbecken für Buntbarsche im Shire River bei Mangochi ist ein Projekt des Ministery of Nature Ressources, Malawi. Der Bestand des Chambo ist im Malawi See stark rückläufig / © Foto: Georg Berg
Rearing ponds for cichlids in the Shire River at Mangochi is a project of the Ministry of Nature Resources, Malawi. The population of the Chambo is in sharp decline in Lake Malawi / © Photo: Georg Berg

Shire River – Malawi’s longest river

For the people of Malawi not only Lake Malawi but also the Shire River has a special meaning. The Shire is the only outlet of Lake Malawi. The Upper Shire flows from Lake Malawi into Lake Malombe, on the western shore of which lies the Liwonde National Park with excellent conditions for wildlife viewing. At 400 kilometers, the Shire is the longest river in the country. The Upper Shire flows quietly and slowly, making it an ideal habitat for crocodiles, hippos and turtles. Elephants can also be seen bathing on the banks of the Shire. The Lower Shire becomes a raging torrent that flows into the Zambezi River in Mozambique.

Bootstour Kutchire Lodge am Liwonde Nationalpark. Vom Shire Fluss aus sieht man Elefanten baden. Üppige Vegeation mit bewaldeten Bergen und Palmen am Ufer / © Foto: Georg Berg
Boat trip Kutchire Lodge at Liwonde National Park. Elephants can be seen bathing from the Shire River. Lush vegeation with forested mountains and palm trees on the banks / © Photo: Georg Berg

Strengthening tourism

Tourism in Malawi has developed late compared to better-known African destinations such as Tanzania, Kenya or South Africa. The country is poor in natural resources. This protects nature from destruction, but makes it difficult to combat poverty in the country. Emerging tourism offers an opportunity. The government and many actors in the communities have recognized that Malawi’s wealth lies in its still untouched nature and its originality.

Bootstour auf dem Oberen Shire Fluss am Liwonde Nationalpark, Malawi. Vom Wasser aus können Elefanten, Flußpferde und Krokodile beobachtet werden / © Foto: Georg Berg
Boat tour on the Upper Shire River at Liwonde National Park, Malawi. Elephants, hippos and crocodiles can be observed from the water / © Photo: Georg Berg

Since the early 2000s, the Malawi Department of National Parks and Wildlife has restored or established a total of 12 protected areas. Among them are five national parks, where recently the Big Five can be observed again. In the course of successful wildlife management, new camps and lodges are being built with the participation of the local population. In addition, the communities around the national parks are actively involved. New jobs and educational opportunities are being created for Malawi’s young population, which also takes the pressure off fishing, which is the only source of income for people living along Lake Malawi.

Malawi as an African destination

An overview of all the Tellerrand stories about Malawi can be found on the Malawi country page. The landlocked country in south-east Africa, also known as the Warm Heart of Africa, is still considered an insider tip for travellers to Africa. In regional comparison, Malawi is a safe and peaceful country. The country’s landscape is characterised by Lake Malawi, the tenth largest lake in the world. The five national parks have been successfully managed for several years and biodiversity has increased enormously. The Liwonde National Park and the Majete Wildlife Reserve have been under the management of African Parks for 20 years. Thawale Lodge offers accommodation in the centre of the park. Nevertheless, the population of Malawi suffers from poverty. Controlled growth in tourism also creates income opportunities in rural areas and improves the livelihoods of families. The sustainable cultivation of tea and coffee, such as on Satemwa Estate, or the reconstruction of banana cultivation in the country, also create important jobs. It is not a cultivated plant in Malawi like maize, but it is a cult crop. Interesting facts about the baobob tree. More information about tourism in Malawi.

The research trip was supported in Malawi by the Ministry of Tourism

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