Cooking with Lavender

In the aroma kitchen, lavender is also used in the form of lavender salt, lavender sugar, lavender oil or lavender essential oil. As a little help for the use of lavender serves its “aromamtische proximity” to rosemary. Where recipes use rosemary, you can simply use lavender. In most recipes, real lavender, i.e. Lavandula angustifolia, is used. The smell is a good way to find out if you like the variety.

Wilder Lavendel wächst im Tal der Drome auf den Bergplateaus des Vercorsgebirges.  Der wilde Lavendel zieht viele Insekten an / © Foto: Georg Berg
Wild lavender grows in the valley of the Drome River on the mountain plateaus of the Vercors Mountains. Wild lavender attracts many insects / © Photo: Georg Berg

True lavender is somewhat sweeter than lavandin, whose smell is somewhat reminiscent of camphor and is therefore not suitable for consumption. As a spice, you should only use lavender from organic cultivation, wild lavender or from your own garden. Lavender from the garden center is often treated and not suitable for consumption. But after just one year in your own garden, pesticide or herbicide residues are gone and you can use flowers and young leaves for cooking. Click here for a report on lavender from the Drome Provencale.

Apple crumble with lavender flowers

The red star renette is one of the old apple varieties. It is not an allergy-causing cross, into which the Delicius has been bred, and is therefore also an apple for allergy sufferers to bite into. In our garden there is an old red star renette. Unfortunately, many apples have had visitors before picking. They are wormy, but a large part of the apple is still good to use. These apples are perfect for Apple Crumble.

In addition, there are many things that can be made from these juicy, tart apples: Apple strudel, applesauce, apple chutney, heaven and Äädcetera….

For Apple Crumble, cut the fruit – even fallen fruit can be used – into small pieces and pour into a baking dish. The crumble dough is quickly made:

The crumble or crumble
100 g room temperature butter75
g sugarPith
of ½ vanilla podor
1 tsp lavender flowers, crush in a mortar with a pinch of sea salt
200 g flour
Knead by hand into crumbles and spread on the fruit.

Place in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees convection. Until the crumble turn brown. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream.

Click here for a report on the lavender blossom in the Drôme Provençale in France.

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