Caribbean weekend in Grenada

If you’ve only ever known a hash tag as a key term on the Internet, you’ll have to rethink it in Grenada. Because here, every Saturday is hash day. With style and understatement, a popular scavenger hunt-style race takes place somewhere on the island, where you can win nothing but experience a lot. It goes through swamps, streams and spice groves, over beaches and through remote settlements. How hard it will be is not known beforehand. Only that it starts at 3 p.m. sometime.

Der Grenada Hash ist auch deshalb reizvoll, weil man nicht ortskundig sein muss, um den unverfälschten Alltag abseits der Städte erleben zu können / © Foto: Georg Berg
The Grenada Hash is also appealing because you don’t have to be local to experience the unspoiled daily life away from the cities / © Photo: Georg Berg

Drinkers with a Running Problem

Hash clubs originated in the British colonies about 80 years ago, where their members sought to neutralize the past week’s binge drinking by getting a little exercise. This Saturday we are witnessing an anniversary in Grenada. The 1,111 run is organized. Although it’s a liquor number, once again it’s all about beer – because the cult drink marks every hash around the world. Before and especially after the sweaty round, large quantities are consumed and kept well chilled. The Beermeister is responsible for this – one of the most important offices of the honorary organization.

Auf einem Sportplatz startet der 1111. Jubiläums-Hash. Am Hash-Cash (beim Kassenwart) trägt sich jeder in die Teilnehmerliste ein, zahlt einen Obolus und kann dort sogar seinen Autoschlüssel deponieren / © Foto: Georg Berg
The 1111th anniversary hash starts on a sports field. At the Hash-Cash (at the treasurer) everyone signs in the list of participants, pays a contribution and can deposit there even his car key / © Photo: Georg Berg

The good mood shows how grateful the participants are to the organizers. Every Saturday a new route is found, marked out and provided with ambiguous signs. At the starting and finishing points, parking spaces, toilets, a public address system and, of course, the drinks stand are set up. Only shortly before the start, the meeting point is indicated on the Internet and no one is surprised that hundreds of runners and hikers arrive at the starting point every Saturday at 3 pm. Many know each other and welcome even the newcomers with infectious good humor.

Im schwarzen Jubiläums-T-Shirt erklärt das Hash-Mouth die Regeln und einige Besonderheiten der heutigen Strecke / © Foto: Georg Berg
Wearing a black anniversary T-shirt, the Hash Mouth explains the rules and some of the special features of today’s route / © Photo: Georg Berg

In the short speech(chalk talk) before the run, the marker signs are explained. After all, everyone should know how to recognize the right way, a dead end or even a spot with several options. If the tracks are well laid by the Hares (hares), the fastest ones get lost and, until they find the right path, give a chance to the pursuers who stay on the right track without detour.

Papierschnitzel aus dem Reiswolf markieren die Spur, auch wenn kein Weg zu erkennen ist. Aber was bedeutet dieses Zeichen? / © Foto: Georg Berg
Paper shreds from the rice mincer mark the trail, even if no path is visible. But what does this sign mean? / © Photo: Georg Berg

The organizing team is officially called Mismanagement

The basic rules of the hash apply worldwide and are handed down in English. They are the epitome of understatement. The distribution of tasks may be strictly regulated. But it doesn’t matter how it is implemented. After all, the point of any event is for participants to have fun and for organizers to have as little work as possible.

Hash House Harriers Laufveranstaltung. Über Stock und Stein geht es, durch Bäche und matschige Böschungen hinauf. Schon kurz nach dem Start haben sich die Läufer von den Wanderern abgesetzt / © Foto: Georg Berg
Hash House Harriers running event. Over hill and dale it goes, through streams and up muddy banks. Shortly after the start, the runners have already separated from the walkers / © Photo: Georg Berg

Mismanagement (the traditional name of any team organizing hash events) is hierarchically structured. But even the name suggests a minimal organization with a wide scope for interpretation. Original personalities are highly appreciated. Therefore, it is not surprising that during the event the so-called Religious Advisor has the most important mismanagement role. Since unforeseen events always occur, improvisational talent and persuasiveness are required above all. Every sermon basically culminates in the fact that everything that doesn’t seem to be working is actually part of an even bigger plan. Almost like St. Francis, the Religious Advisor is even understood by animals that have to share their habitat with the hashers.

Krabben haben sich im Waldboden eingegraben, um vor den Hashern in Sicherheit zu sein. Man sieht nur ihre Löcher / © Foto: Georg Berg
Crabs have burrowed into the forest floor to be safe from the hashers. You can only see their holes / © Photo: Georg Berg

The jargon of the hash is international

“On-on” is not only the most heard word this Saturday, it also appears in the foot-shaped hash logo. “On-on” is what everyone says when they’re on the right track. It’s the positive response option to the question, “are-you?”. “On-back”, on the other hand, answers the one who comes back from a dead end, and “on-lost” means absolutely lost.

Participation, however, is not difficult even for the inexperienced. No mistake is made by those who keep an eye on the other hashers and join the majority.

Hash Running Veranstaltung in Happy Hill, Grenada / © Foto: Georg Berg
Hash Running event in Happy Hill, Grenada / © Photo: Georg Berg
Am Ende eines Trails müssen nicht nur die Schuhe in die Reinigung / © Foto: Georg Berg
At the end of a trail not only the shoes have to be cleaned / © Photo: Georg Berg

Experience Grenada’s land and people on foot

As diverse as Grenada’s landscape is, you won’t find pastureland here. Accordingly, cows and sheep are a rarity. The island also has to import dairy products. But the participants of the Hash Event even get to see one of the few cows. Dogs, chickens and goats, on the other hand, are quite common.

Die Kuh hätt lieber ihre Ruh / © Foto: Georg Berg
The cow would rather have its rest / © Photo: Georg Berg
Für Jung und Alt ist das Defilee der Hasher eine willkommene Abwechslung; zumal man sich beim Bier immer gut versteht / © Foto: Georg Berg
For young and old the defilee of the hashers is a welcome change; especially since one always gets along well with the beer / © Photo: Georg Berg
Lollies überzeugen auch die schüchternsten Zuschauer / © Foto: Georg Berg
Lollies convince even the shyest spectators / © Photo: Georg Berg
Einheimische machen sich gegenseitig die Frisur / © Foto: Georg Berg
Locals do each other’s hair / © Photo: Georg Berg
Ziegen finden auf Grenada das beste Futter weil das Land fruchtbar ist und genug Regen fällt. Übrigens sind Gerichte mit Ziegenfleisch auf der Insel eine kulinarische Delikatesse / © Foto: Georg Berg
Goats find the best food on Grenada because the land is fertile and enough rain falls. By the way, dishes with goat meat are a culinary delicacy on the island / © Photo: Georg Berg
Karibischer Hahn auf dem Happy Hill / © Foto: Georg Berg
Caribbean rooster on Happy Hill / © Photo: Georg Berg
Ungeklärt bleibt, ob der Bierkasten schon bewacht war, als ihn die ersten Hasher zu Gesicht bekamen / © Foto: Georg Berg
It remains unclear whether the beer crate was already guarded when the first hashers set eyes on it / © Photo: Georg Berg
On-on. Die Markierungen des richtigen Trails sind in der üppigen Vegetation nicht immer leicht zu finden / © Foto: Georg Berg
On-on. The markings of the right trail are not always easy to find in the lush vegetation / © Photo: Georg Berg

Finishing with a beer

After about two hours, even the last one has completed the 8 kilometer loop and can enjoy the elixir of life of all hash enthusiasts. Virgins (those who participated for the first time) are additionally baptized with a hearty beer shower.

Auch Cricket-Mannschaften (im Hintergrund) feiern gerne mit, wenn die Hash House Harriers ihr Lebenselixier ausschenken / © Foto: Georg Berg
Cricket teams (in the background) also enjoy celebrating when the Hash House Harriers pour their elixir of life / © Photo: Georg Berg

Hash FAQs

Website of the Grenada Hash House Harriers

Insider tip: Church service with gospel sound

Grenada’s predominantly Christian population attends church on Sundays in one of the many religious communities. A visit to a church reveals a lot about the mentality of the population. In the Grand Anse Baptist church, we immediately felt warmly welcomed as strangers.

Gedankenaustausch vor einem Baptistengottestdienst in the Lime auf Grenada. Im religiösen Gespräch vor dem Gottesdienst werden moralische Aspekte des Alltags diskutiert. Im Unterschied zu einer Predigt oder dem „Wort zum Sonntag“, kann sich jeder auf Augenhöhe einbringen / © Foto: Georg Berg
Exchanging ideas before a Baptist service in the Lime on Grenada. In the religious conversation before the service, moral aspects of everyday life are discussed. Unlike a sermon or the “Word on Sunday”, everyone can participate at eye level / © Photo: Georg Berg

Even the religious conversation before the service, moderated by congregation members, and especially the enthusiastic gospel singing during the service leave a lasting impression. The song lyrics are on large monitors and everyone can sing along karaoke-style.

Die Gläubigen singen beim Baptistengottesdienst in The Lime, Grenada.Der Gesang schafft ein Gemeinschaftserlebnis. Viele kommen mit eigenem Instrument in den Gottesdienst / © Foto: Georg Berg
Worshippers sing at the Baptist service in The Lime, Grenada.The singing creates a community experience. Many come to the service with their own instruments / © Photo: Georg Berg
Die Gläubigen singen beim Baptistengottesdienst in The Lime, Grenada. Die Gospel-Musik bietet Raum für Kontemplation oder religiöse Extase / © Foto: Georg Berg
Worshippers sing at a Baptist service in The Lime, Grenada. The gospel music offers space for contemplation or religious ecstasy / © Photo: Georg Berg
In festlicher Stimmung bleibt genügend Zeit, um Bekanntschaften zu pflegen / © Foto: Georg Berg
In a festive mood, there is plenty of time to cultivate acquaintances / © Photo: Georg Berg

Video sequence

Even cruise passengers can be recommended these two typical events, should they ever sail to Grenada on a weekend. However, on Sundays you should definitely reserve a table for lunch. Because in the restaurant we met many people again with whom we had just sung together.

Wall calendar with photos by Georg Berg available in bookstores (also online) in different sizes: Fruits of the Caribbean / also in English Fruits of Grenada or French Fruits des Caraïbes as well as family planner (*)

The research trip was supported by the Grenada Tourist Board

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