The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens

The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens is located in the heart of County Kerry in a region rich in culture and less than ten kilometers from the historic town of Killarney. Amidst the gardens stands not only the hotel, but also the ruins of Dunloe Castle. The River Laune flows through the hotel grounds.

Der Blick nach Süden ist immer wieder grandios. Hier aus der Upper Lounge ist die alte Eiche zu sehen, die auch im Logo von The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens abgebildet ist / © Foto: Georg Berg
The view to the south is always magnificent. Here from the Upper Lounge, the old oak tree can be seen, which is also depicted in the logo of The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens / © Photo: Georg Berg

Horses from the hotel’s own riding stable graze decoratively in a pasture in front of the restaurant. If you let your eyes wander, you’ll be stuck on Ireland’s most famous gorge, the Gap of Dunloe. There’s plenty to marvel at inside the hotel, too, as The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens is one of Ireland’s Best Designed Hotels. As if that weren’t enough, it’s worth taking a look at the hotel’s gourmet restaurant.

Chef Jupp Osterloh – connected to the region

Chefkoch Jupp Osterloh vor der neuen offenen Küche im Restaurant The Grill im Gespräch mit Angela Berg / © Foto: Georg Berg
Chef Jupp Osterloh in front of the new open kitchen in The Grill restaurant in conversation with Angela Berg / © Photo: Georg Berg

The head chef at The Grill is Jupp Osterloh. For more than 25 years, the Hamburg native has been working as a chef at The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens. He feels that living on Ireland’s coast is an absolute privilege. Fish and seafood are his passion. In conversation, he raves about turbot, St. Peter’s fish, oysters, lobster and scallops. He gets everything for his cuisine in top quality and from close by. A logistical dream for the high demands of a gourmet restaurant: There are no long delivery routes, neither for fish and seafood, and certainly not for lamb, sheep and beef.

Extrem knuspriger St. Petersfisch, auf englisch John Dory genannt, an Risotto aus schwarzem Reis mit Artischockenböden, Erbsen und Weißwein-Sauce / © Foto: Georg Berg
Extremely crispy St. Peter’s fish, called John Dory in English, served with risotto of black rice with artichoke bottoms, peas and white wine sauce / © Photo: Georg Berg

Thanks to the extensive terrain, the lush green of the pastures and the usually mild temperatures, there are excellent conditions for animal breeding around the hotel. Sheep and Black Angus cattle are kept almost year-round in the surrounding pastures. This means that Chef Osterloh can also offer guests the very best quality when it comes to meat. His trusted butcher also supplies him on Sundays if necessary. The pastures are only ten minutes away from the Irish Sea as the crow flies. Lambs grow up in the salty air. Not only the sea but also the river Laune gives excellent freshwater fish. There are pike, zander, tench, carp and salmon. It is also these paradisiacal conditions for a top chef that have made the chef take root.

Ribeye vom Black Angus von hauseigener Weide, 28 Tage dry aged mit Kartoffelgratin und Püree mit Basilikumöl im Zwiebel-Schiffchen. Das Fleisch wird am Josper Grill zubereitet / © Foto: Georg Berg
Ribeye of Black Angus from in-house pasture, dry aged for 28 days with potato gratin and mashed potatoes with basil oil in an onion boat. The meat is prepared on the Josper Grill / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Grill – The hot centerpiece in the restaurant

The Grill restaurant opens spectacularly to the Gap of Dunloe with a picture window and a ceiling height of six meters. Running almost the entire width of the room is the open kitchen. The kitchen style at The Dunloe is Irish-influenced with accents of French cuisine. The namesake in the newly designed restaurant and visible to guests is a Josper Grill.

Heißgeliebt vom Küchenteam: im Josper Grill werden die Stücke vom heimischen Black Angus perfekt zubereitet / © Foto: Georg Berg
A favorite of the kitchen team, the Josper Grill is where cuts of local Black Angus are cooked to perfection / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Josper Grill is the favorite of the chefs in the gourmet restaurant. It is a combination of a grill and an oven. The grill does not require electricity or gas and is fired only with high-quality charcoal. The perfectly directed hot air brings out the best flavors not only from meat and fish, but also from vegetables.

Aged to perfection - Im Eingangsbereich zum Restaurant kommen alle Gäste an den Dry Aging Kühlschränken vorbei / © Foto: Georg Berg
Aged to perfection – In the entrance area to the restaurant, all guests pass the Dry Aging refrigerators / © Photo: Georg Berg

Right in the entrance area to the restaurant, guests pass the Dry Aging refrigerators. Here, the meat of the Black Angus cattle matures for up to 28 days. At the bottom of the refrigerator is a tray of Himalayan salt. The menu features a separate section for Josper Grill’s Dry Aged Beef. To open the season in April, there will be Black Angus and fish, as well as Easter lamb from the restaurant’s own pastures, in keeping with the season. Jupp Osterloh’s plans include a slow-cooked leg of lamb with flavors from his own herb garden.

Indulgence at Ireland’s most famous gorge

Restaurant mit Aussicht. Und wenn es dunkel wird und die Schlucht von Dunloe von der Nacht geschluckt wird, dann bietet das Restaurant mit einer Deckenhöhe von 6 Metern, einer imposanter Beleuchtung und ausgefallenen Interieur-Ideen viele Blickfänge / © Foto: Georg Berg
Restaurant with a view. And when darkness falls and the Dunloe Gorge is swallowed by night, the restaurant’s 6-meter-high ceilings, impressive lighting and unusual interior ideas offer plenty of eye-catchers / © Photo: Georg Berg

The Dunloe – especially family-friendly

The variety of leisure activities reveals The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens already in its name. Because the green surroundings in the form of gardens, park and extensive meadows are the basis for an extensive program for the whole family. Long before The Dunloe received the Best-Designed Hotel award, the hotel’s family-friendly concept and ambience were already being recognized.

Die eigene Schlossruine Dunloe Castle ist Wohnort des freundlichen Elfs Stewart. Bei kleineren Kindern sehr beliebt ist der Märchenpfad und die Sage von MacThomas und Stewart / © Foto: Georg Berg
The hotel’s own Dunloe Castle ruins are home to the friendly elf Stewart. The fairy tale path and the saga of MacThomas and Stewart are very popular with smaller children / © Photo: Georg Berg

Early in the morning, a kids program starts at the hotel, allowing parents to have breakfast in peace and enjoy the rich buffet along with the view and pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant. For children there are many outdoor and indoor amusements that take place on the premises. From Kids-Zumba to Indoor-Soccer for rainy days to the fairy-tale to adventurous outdoor activities, all family members will get their money’s worth.

Der Elf Stewart ist nicht länger allein im Dunloe Castle. Weitere 19 Elfen leisten im Gesellschaft. Jedes Fabelwesen hat eine eigene Unterkunft, die von Kindern aufgespürt werden kann / © Foto: Georg Berg
Stewart the elf is no longer alone at Dunloe Castle. Another 19 elves keep him company. Each mythical creature has its own shelter, which can be tracked down by children / © Photo: Georg Berg

Recommended deceleration: “A walk in the park

Within just one hour, you can travel once around the world in the gardens of The Dunloe. There are Chilean firs, Australian gum trees, South African lilies, New Zealand cabbage trees, Japanese maples, North American dogwoods, South American fuchsias, and believe it or not, a strawberry tree from Killarney. Plant expert and broadcaster Sir Roy Lancaster oversees new plantings and has cataloged the plants in a brochure. The brochure is available at the front desk. Guided tours are also available.

Im Garten des Hotel Dunloe braucht man nur eine Stunde, um botanisch um die ganze Welt zu reisen / © Foto: Georg Berg
In the garden of the Hotel Dunloe, it only takes an hour to travel botanically around the world / © Photo: Georg Berg

Fairy tale trail and outdoor sports

For the younger guests who have not yet developed a particular interest in exotic botany, there is an enchanting fairy trail in the truest sense of the word. With the help of a drawing, children can discover the elves’ dwellings scattered in the park.

Der Fluss Laune quert das Hotelgelände. Hier lässt sich Kajak fahren und angeln / © Foto: Georg Berg
The Laune River crosses the hotel grounds. Here you can go kayaking and fishing / © Photo: Georg Berg

Other outdoor activities include kayaking on the Laune River, which flows across the hotel property. Fishing on the riverbank is also possible. Tennis can be played indoors and on the outdoor court. Horseback riding on the good-natured Haflinger ponies or use of the swimming pool, sauna, steam bath and fitness room are other recreational options. All family activities and the Kids Club are included at The Dunloe.

Hallenbad mit Blick ins Grüne / © Foto: Georg Berg
Indoor swimming pool with a view of the countryside / © Photo: Georg Berg

Every spring, usually around Easter, The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens kicks off the new season. Culinary means salt lamb from its own pastures. Botanically, the rhododendrons are in bloom and the magical greenery of the island invites you to go hiking, biking, horseback riding or boating.

The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens - Grandioser Blick, ausgezeichnetes Design / © Foto: Georg Berg
The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens – Grand views, excellent design / © Photo: Georg Berg

No matter how beautiful a day in the area was, no matter whether the weather was sunny or there was a bit of Irish rain, at the end of the day guests are still rewarded with the beautiful view of the Gap of Dunloe, Ireland’s most famous gorge.

The cost of half board was not charged by the hotel

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