Monument and art

No journey without a monument! To mark International Monument Day on April 18, we begin with a foray into the diversity of monuments. Whether you encounter them in the city or in the countryside, what all the world’s monuments have in common is their contribution to education. Without them, we would all return from a trip a little dumber.

documenta Kassel and the food for thought

Many a monument has been elevated over time to the status of a work of art, while others began as works of art and went from being thought-provoking to becoming monuments. In the year of documenta fifteen, there is no getting around Kassel. For Kassel is peppered with works of art that have become monuments. Every five years, as part of documenta, the city becomes a big stage for contemporary art and also works with the existing monuments. They are shrouded, emit smoke signals or are given a temple at their side. All this happened at documenta 14. documenta fifteen will be reported on in 2022. Only so much, Lumbung, the Indonesian rice barn, will play a role in it.

Parthenon der Bücher, der argentinischen Künstlerin Marta Minujin auf der  documenta 14 in Kassel. Täglich wurde die Konstruktion, die in ihrer Dimension ein Nachbau des Tempels auf der Akropolis ist, massiver und mit weiteren Büchern bestückt. Im Hintergrund raucht die Installation "Expiration Movement" im Zwehrenturm. / © Foto: Georg Berg
Parthenon of books, by Argentine artist Marta Minujin at documenta 14 in Kassel. Every day the construction, which in its dimensions is a replica of the temple on the Acropolis, became more massive and filled with more books. In the background, the installation “Expiration Movement” smokes in the Zwehrenturm / © Photo: Georg Berg
Die Verhüllung der Torwachen mit Jutesäcken des Künstlers Ibrahim Mahama aus Ghana während der documenta 14 in Kassel / © Foto: Georg Berg
The covering of the gate guards with jute sacks by the artist Ibrahim Mahama from Ghana during documenta 14 in Kassel / © Photo: Georg Berg
Auch Joseph Beuys wurde 1977 für tendenziell bekloppt gehalten. Er ließ zur documenta 7 fünf Jahre später 7.000 Eichen im Stadtgebiet von Kassel pflanzen und daneben jeweils einen Steinquader platzieren. Heute ist Kassel – auch wegen dieses documenta Projekts von Joseph Beuys grüner und schöner. / © Foto: Georg Berg
In 1977, Joseph Beuys was also considered to have a tendency to be batty. For documenta 7 five years later, he had 7,000 oak trees planted in the city of Kassel and placed a stone cube next to each one. Today, Kassel is greener and more beautiful – partly because of this documenta project by Joseph Beuys. / © Photo: Georg Berg
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