Expedition to giant leatherback turtles
Biosphere Expeditions’ citizen science project researches endangered leatherback sea turtles in Costa Rica. Active vacation and species conservation project.
Biosphere Expeditions’ citizen science project researches endangered leatherback sea turtles in Costa Rica. Active vacation and species conservation project.
After much fresh North Sea air at the beach the menu, which prepared the citizens of Berlin 3-star cook Marco Mueller in the Ambassador hotel, promises highest benefit
Beautiful cottages in a former farmstead give city dwellers new energy away from meetings, business meals and mobile permanent availability
In June 2017, the Renthof Kassel opens as a hotel, restaurant and event location. Throughout the house there are finds that have appeared during renovation
In Sierra Leone, Pastor Emmanuel Momoh found a 706 carat diamond in the muddy broth of the Woyie River. He shares the proceeds with his country
Everything is worn on the head in Sierra Leone and sellers do not have to search long, because they make eye contact directly under the goods
The Mende people live deep in the jungle. Only members of their secret societies can understand the ritual dance of the forest devils
After eleven years of civil war and the subsequent Ebola epidemic, the West African country wants to become attractive for international tourists again
There are two types of accommodation in Fez. As an atmospheric alternative to the big star hotels, the riads located in the old town are highly recommended.
There is hardly a large city in the world whose past is so visible. Today, the alleys of the old town still have the same course as 1,000 years ago
On February 27, 2016, the former villagers of Borschemich gathered to cut down the old village linden tree. The last landmark of the village, whose inhabitants had to make way for opencast lignite mining against their will, thus disappears
Austern sind in Frankreich eine beliebte Vorspeise. Sie sättigen kaum, sind arm an Fett und Kohlehydraten, enthalten dafür aber viele Vitamine und Mineralstoffe. Nicht nur ich bilde mir ein, dass schon der Verzehr weniger Austern die Gesundheit fördert. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit helfen sie gegen trockene Augen und die Gelenke fühlen sich geschmeidiger an. Selbst bei einem Marathon helfen sie, kurz vor dem Ziel wieder zu Kräften zu kommen. Im Strandpavillon … [mehr]